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Pizza with Beetroot Hummus

As you may know already I love pizza. And if you look a few posts ago, I also love hummus! They're a perfect combination together!

Pizza is made with refined flour that has empty calories. When we use flours that are rich in nutrients we are nourishing our bodies. Rye flour has a lot of benefits for our health. It's the kind of flour we should be consuming! Combined with all the nutrients that hummus and avocado has, it's the most complete pizza!

And let's be honest. Isn't that bright pink color beautiful? Your kids will love this pizza so much. You can teach them to eat healthy and have fun with this type of recipes.


Ingredients: (makes a pizza for two)

To make beetroot hummus: visit this link for full recipe and video too!

For the dough:

- 1 cup (250g) whole rye flour

- 1/2 cup warm water

- 7g dry yeast

- 1 tablespoon (15ml) olive oil or coconut oil

- 1 teaspoon (5g) salt


- Avocado

- Basil

- sprouts

- Your favorite toppings

To make the dough:

- Combine water, oil and yeast until the yeast disolves.

- Add flour and salt little by little mising with a spatula or your hands.

- sprinkle some flour in your clean table and start kneading your dough until you form a soft dough.

- heat water until broil on a saucepan and put it in an oven (Turned off). Put your dough into a bowl and cover with plastic wrap. close the oven door and waith an hour (this is done to let the dough rise)

- Take out your dough and start to flatten your dough with a rolling pin.

- ake at 350ºF for 15 minutes or until your dough is no longer raw. The thiner the dough the crunchy it is.

To make the Pizza:

- Spread a little bit of hummus on your dough and top with your favorite pizza toppings!



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